
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation announces grant for reissuing and promoting 42 Slavic Studies titles as free ebooks

The Borderlines Foundation is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded, in collaboration with Academic Studies Press, a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to reissue and market 42 of ASP's previously published titles in Slavic studies as freely available open-access ebooks. The grant is part of the NEH-Mellon Humanities Open Book initiative. In addition to the free ebooks, which will be released in the fall of 2017, ASP will also be releasing a new, low-cost paperback version of each book. The ebooks will be advertised widely in the Slavic studies community, including in all major journals, and through a full-color catalog. We are excited to collaborate with Academic Studies Press on this tremendous opportunity to distribute some of their most excellent previously published titles. Further details, including title selections, will follow.